What is an “Anti-Microaggression” Workshop?

Discover a transformative learning experience unlike any other as Delia Joseph and Karen Ridd, seasoned Conflict Resolution Practitioners and Microaggression Facilitators, skillfully weave Zoom technology, participatory activities, and enlightening videos into a captivating journey of self-awareness. Embrace the power of your own experiences as we unveil the true essence of microaggressions, fostering growth, empathy, and an inclusive workplace for all.


Dealing with Micro-Aggression and Conflict in the Workplace

In this half-day workshop you and your colleagues will:

  1. Identify and Reduce Microaggressions in the Workplace

  2. Learn Strategies, Tools, and Ideas for Interrupting Microaggressions

  3. Identify Microaggressions and Embedded Bias in the Workplace

  4. Learn and Practice Techniques to Reduce Microaggressions and Illuminate Blindspots

  5. Promote Organizational Success through Inclusivity

    Get Started

  • Welcome

    Land Acknowledgment




    Warm-up and Engagement Exercises

  • The Edited Self

    Unintentional Harm

    Embedded Bias

    Pre-Existing Frames

    Complicit Participation

    Scotoma and Blindspots (awareness and acknowledgment)


  • Scenarios, Situation, and Storytelling Participatory exercise: Answer Garden Exercise and RR Exercise

    Understanding the IAE Model

    Videos Vignettes

    Inquiry Exercise

  • Self-Reflection

    Breakout Rooms

    Small Group Discussion


    Next Steps

At the heart of our transformative course, we employ a rich tapestry of methods and approaches. From powerful teachings and thought-provoking scenarios to engaging partner exercises and reflective video insights, we’ve crafted an immersive experience. Our focus is on fostering teamwork, encouraging self-discovery, and illuminating blind spots. Together, we empower participants to become champions of inclusivity, making lasting impacts on both personal growth and organizational success.
— Delia Joseph & Karen Ridd, Course Facilitators

What People Are Saying

"Hello Delia and Karen, thank you for the slides, for another excellent session, and for the great work you are doing to advance positive change. After the session, I was texting with a white male manager who has worked at ..... for over 30 years, and he sent this note which I would like to share with you:

"I went in without much belief in the concept of Implicit bias and/or Microaggression, and don’t subscribe to the notion of white privilege, but came out with a new understanding of this. This has changed my viewpoint on Microaggressions."

“The personal stories interwoven with theory and research make for a well-rounded workshop that is interesting, moving, and eye-opening. I would highly recommend this valuable workshop for any organization.”

—Tanya Buschau, Respect, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisor - BCIT

“Delia & Karen did an incredible job of creating a warm and safe space for our team to do some tough work in discovering and confronting our individual unconscious biases while also holding space and honouring those who experience microaggressions. There was magic in the learning and theory made real by the personal stories you shared. Thank you for engaging us from start to finish and for encouraging our awareness in our daily lives. - Christine Ens, Executive Director at Mediation Services

“Delia and Karen’s workshop gave us information and tools to help not only ourselves but help us create a better community. Their personal stories and insights provide a valuable learning experience.”

Wendy A. McLeod (she/her) Coordinator, Respect, Diversity, & Inclusion (RDI) British Columbia Institute of Technology

Join us now and embark on a journey of growth and inclusivity. Secure your spot in the transformative course today and be the change your workplace deserves!

Join us now and embark on a journey of growth and inclusivity. Secure your spot in the transformative course today and be the change your workplace deserves!


Regal Radiance 6-Month Ultimate Transformation